The 74LS series of integrated circuits (ICs) was one of the most popular logic families of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) logic chips. 74LS series is a bipolar, low-power Schottky IC. 74LS42 BCD to Decimal Decoder monolithic BCD-to-decimal decoders consist of eight inverters and ten four-input NAND gates. The inverters are connected in pairs to make BCD input data available for decoding by the NAND gates. Full decoding of
valid input logic ensures that all outputs remain off for all invalid input conditions.
74LS42 Features
- Multipurpose Decoder
- Mutually Exclusive Outputs
- Demultiplexing Capability
- Operating Temperature up to 70°C
- Standard TTL Switching Voltages
74LS42 Specifications
Supply Voltage | 4.75 – 5.25Vdc |
Maximum Clock Frequency | 40Mhz |
Power Dissipation | 2mW/gate @100kHz |
Minimum Output Current | 8mA |
Propagation Delay | 10nS |
Fan Out (TTL Loads) | 20 |
74LS42 Pinout Diagram
74LS42 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | 0 | Decoder Output Bit 0 |
2 | 1 | Decoder Output Bit 1 |
3 | 2 | Decoder Output Bit 2 |
4 | 3 | Decoder Output Bit 3 |
5 | 4 | Decoder Output Bit 4 |
6 | 5 | Decoder Output Bit 5 |
7 | 6 | Decoder Output Bit 6 |
8 | GND | Ground |
9 | 7′ | Decoder Output Bit 7 |
10 | 8′ | Decoder Output Bit 8 |
11 | 9′ | Decoder Output Bit 9 |
12 | A3 | Binary Input A3 |
13 | A2 | Binary Input A2 |
14 | A1 | Binary Input A1 |
15 | A0 | Binary Input A0 |
16 | VCC | Positive Supply |
74LS42 Circuit
- It is used in code conversions
- It may also be used for data distribution i.e. demultiplexing.
74LS42 Alternative Equivalent
Download 74LS42 BCD to Decimal Decoder Datasheet from the link given below.