The 74LS series of integrated circuits (ICs) was one of the most popular logic families of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) logic chips. 74LS series is a bipolar, low-power Schottky IC. 74LS09 Quad 2-input AND Gate (Open Collector) contain four independent 2-input AND gates. The open-collector outputs require pull-up resistors to perform correctly. They may be connected to other open-collector outputs to implement active-low wired-OR or active-high wired-AND functions. Open-collector devices are often used to generate higher VOH levels.
74LS09 Features
- Four Independent AND Gates
- Open Collector Outputs Require Pull-Up Resistors
- Open Collector Type Suitable for Indicator Lamps and Relays
- Input Clamping Diodes
- Standard TTL Switching Voltages
74LS09 Specifications
Supply Voltage | 4.75 – 5.25Vdc |
Maximum Clock Frequency | 40Mhz |
Power Dissipation | 2mW/gate @100kHz |
Minimum Output Current | 8mA |
Propagation Delay | 10nS |
Fan Out (TTL Loads) | 20 |
74LS09 Pinout Diagram
74LS09 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | A1 | AND Gate 1 Input 1 |
2 | B1 | AND Gate 1 Input 2 |
3 | C1 | AND Gate 1 Output |
4 | A2 | AND Gate 2 Input 1 |
5 | B2 | AND Gate 2 Input 2 |
6 | C2 | AND Gate 2 Output |
7 | GND | Ground |
8 | C3 | AND Gate 3 Output |
9 | A3 | AND Gate 3 Input 1 |
10 | B3 | AND Gate 3 Input 2 |
11 | C4 | AND Gate 4 Output |
12 | A4 | AND Gate 4 Input 1 |
13 | B4 | AND Gate 4 Input 2 |
14 | VCC | Positive Supply |
74LS09 Circuit
Here is a circuit for testing 74ls09 functionality with key as a switch input and led for an output.
- Data transmission control in digital electronics
- Alarm Circuits
74LS09 Alternative Equivalent
74LS08, 74LS21
Download 74LS09 Quad 2-input AND Gate (Open Collector) Datasheet from the link given below.