74LS164 8-bit Serial Shift Register


The 74LS series of integrated circuits (ICs) was one of the most popular logic families of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) logic chips. 74LS series is a bipolar, low-power Schottky IC. 74LS164 8-bit shift registers feature gated serial inputs and an asynchronous clear. The gated serial inputs (A and B) permit complete control over incoming data as a low at either input inhibits entry of the new data and resets the first flip-flop to the low level at the next clock pulse.

74LS164 Features

  • Single 8-bit Shift Register with Gated Serial Inputs and Asynchronous Clear
  • Fully Buffered Clock
  • Clock Frequency up to 36MHz
  • Operating Temperature up to 70°C
  • Standard TTL Switching Voltages

74LS164 Specifications

Supply Voltage4.75 – 5.25Vdc
Maximum Clock Frequency40Mhz
Power Dissipation2mW/gate @100kHz
Minimum Output Current8mA
Propagation Delay10nS
Fan Out (TTL Loads)20

74LS164 Pinout Diagram

74LS164 Pin Description

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1ASerial Input Pin
2BSerial Input Pin
3Q0Serial Output
4Q1Serial Output
5Q2Serial Output
6Q3Serial Output
8CPClear Pin
9MR’Master Reset (Active Low)
10Q4Serial Output
11Q5Serial Output
12Q6Serial Output
13Q7Serial Output
14VCCPositive Supply


  • The shift registers are used for temporary data storage.
  • The shift registers are also used for data transfer and data manipulation.
  • The serial-in serial-out and parallel-in parallel-out shift registers are used to produce time delay to digital circuits.

74LS164 Alternative Equivalent

74LS165, 74LS166

Download the 74LS164 8-bit Serial Shift Register Datasheet from the link given below.