The 74LS series of integrated circuits (ICs) was one of the most popular logic families of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) logic chips. 74LS series is a bipolar, low-power Schottky IC. 74LS273 monolithic, positive-edge-triggered flip-flops utilize TTL circuitry to implement D-type flip-flop logic with direct clear input.
74LS273 Features
- Eight D-Type Flip-Flops with Common Clock
- Edge Triggered
- Parallel In and Out
- Master Reset
- Standard TTL Switching Voltages
74LS273 Specifications
Supply Voltage | 4.75 – 5.25Vdc |
Maximum Clock Frequency | 40Mhz |
Power Dissipation | 2mW/gate @100kHz |
Minimum Output Current | 8mA |
Propagation Delay | 10nS |
Fan Out (TTL Loads) | 20 |
74LS273 Pinout Diagram
74LS273 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | MR | Asynchronous Master Reset Input |
2 | Q0 | Register Output |
3 | D0 | Data Input |
4 | D1 | Data Input |
5 | Q1 | Register Output |
6 | Q2 | Register Output |
7 | D2 | Data Input |
8 | D3 | Data Input |
9 | Q3 | Register Output |
10 | GND | Ground |
11 | CP | Clock Pulse Input |
12 | Q4 | Register Output |
13 | D4 | Data Input |
14 | D5 | Data Input |
15 | Q5 | Register Output |
16 | Q6 | Register Output |
17 | D6 | Data Input |
18 | D7 | Data Input |
19 | Q7 | Register Output |
20 | VCC | Positive Supply |
- Create delay lines which are used in digital signal processing systems
74LS273 Alternative Equivalent
74L174, 74LS175
Download 74LS273 Octal D-type Flip-Flop with Clear Datasheet from the link given below.