The 74LS series of integrated circuits (ICs) was one of the most popular logic families of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) logic chips. 74LS series is a bipolar, low-power Schottky IC. 74LS365 Hex buffers and line drivers are designed specifically to improve both the performance and the density of three-state memory address drivers, clock drivers, and bus-oriented receivers and transmitters.
74LS365 Features
- Designed to Improve Performance and Density of Three-State Memory Address Drivers
- 3-State Outputs Drive Bus Lines
- Choice of True or Inverting Outputs
- Operating Temperature up to 70°C
- Standard TTL Switching Voltages
74LS365 Specifications
Supply Voltage | 4.75 – 5.25Vdc |
Maximum Clock Frequency | 40Mhz |
Power Dissipation | 2mW/gate @100kHz |
Minimum Output Current | 8mA |
Propagation Delay | 10nS |
Fan Out (TTL Loads) | 20 |
74LS365 Pinout Diagram
74LS365 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | E1 | Enable Pin |
2 | A1 | Input Of Buffer 1 |
3 | OUT 1 | Output Of Buffer 1 |
4 | A2 | Input Of Buffer 2 |
5 | OUT 2 | Output Of Buffer 2 |
6 | A3 | Input Of Buffer 3 |
7 | OUT 3 | Output Of Buffer 3 |
8 | GND | Ground |
9 | OUT 4 | Output Of Buffer 4 |
10 | A4 | Input Of Buffer 4 |
11 | OUT 5 | Output Of Buffer 5 |
12 | A5 | Input Of Buffer 5 |
13 | OUT 6 | Output Of Buffer 6 |
14 | A6 | Input Of Buffer 6 |
15 | E’2 | Enable Pin(Active Low) |
16 | VCC | Positive Supply |
74LS365 Circuit
- A buffered pH is a necessity of most enzymes to function efficiently and correctly. Furthermore, buffering is important for ensuring proper colour concentration when using dyes.
74LS365 Alternative Equivalent
74LS367, 74LS368
Download 74LS365 Hex Buffer with Logical OR Tri-State Datasheet from the link given below.