CD4020 14-Stage Binary/Ripple Counter


CD4020 belongs to 4000 Series CMOS Logic Family of Integrated Circuits (IC’s) constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors. CD4020 has a 14-Stage Binary/Ripple Counter

CD4020 has a supply voltage range of 5V to 20V, which is much higher than any contemporary logic family. It has buffered output which improves transfer characteristics by providing very high gain. All inputs are protected against static discharge with diodes to VDD and VSS.

CD4020 Features

  • Wide supply voltage range: 1.0V to 15V
  • High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.)
  • Low power TTL compatibility: Fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74LS
  • Medium speed operation: 8 MHz typ. at VDD = 10V
  • Schmitt trigger clock input

CD4020 Specifications

Absolute Maximum Ratings

  • DC Supply Voltage Range, (VDD): -0.5V to +18V
  • Input Voltage Range, All Inputs: -0.5V to VDD +0.5V
  • Storage Temperature Range (TSTG): -65oC to +150oC
  • Lead Temperature (During Soldering): +260oC
    • At Distance 1/16 ± 1/32 Inch (1.59mm ± 0.79mm) from case for 10s Maximum

CD4020 Pinout Diagram

CD4020 Pin Description

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1Q12Output 12 of Stage Counter
2Q13 Output 13 of Stage Counter
3Q14 Output 14 of Stage Counter
4Q6 Output 6 of Stage Counter
5Q5 Output 5 of Stage Counter
6Q7 Output 7 of Stage Counter
7Q4 Output 4 of Stage Counter
8VSSSupply Voltage
9Q1 Output 1 of Stage Counter
10Φ1Clock Signal
11RESET Reset Value
12Q9 Output 9 of Stage Counter
13Q8 Output 8 of Stage Counter
14Q10 Output 10 of Stage Counter
15Q11 Output 11 of Stage Counter
16VDDDrain Voltage

CD4020 Circuit


  • Control counters
  • Timers
  • Time-delay circuits

CD4020 Alternative Equivalent

CD4024, CD4026

Download CD4020 14-Stage Binary/Ripple Counter Datasheet from the link given below.