CD4583 belongs to 4000 Series CMOS Logic Family of Integrated Circuits (IC’s) constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors. CD4583 has Dual adjustable Schmitt trigger inputs
CD4583 has a supply voltage range of 5V to 20V, which is much higher than any contemporary logic family. It has buffered output which improves transfer characteristics by providing very high gain. All inputs are protected against static discharge with diodes to VDD and VSS.
CD4583 Features
- Diode Protection on All Inputs
- Supply Voltage Range: 3V to 18V
- Single Supply Operation
- Capable of Driving Two Low−Power TTL Loads or One Low−Power Schottky TTL Load Over the Rated Temperature Range
- Resistor Adjustable Trigger Level
CD4583 Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
- DC Supply Voltage Range, (VDD): -0.5V to +18V (Voltage Referenced to VSS Terminals)
- Input Voltage Range, All Inputs: -0.5V to VDD +0.5V
- DC Input Current, Any One Input: ±10mA
- Operating Temperature Range: -55oC to +125oC Package Types D, F, K, H
- Storage Temperature Range (TSTG): -65oC to +150oC
- Lead Temperature (During Soldering): +260oC
- At Distance 1/16 ± 1/32 Inch (1.59mm ± 0.79mm) from case for 10s Maximum
CD4583 Pinout Diagram
CD4583 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | COMMON B | Common Pin B |
2 | COMMON B2 | Common Pin B2 |
3 | NEGATIVE B | Negative Pin B |
4 | AOUT | Output A |
5 | NEGATIVE A | Negative A |
6 | POSITIVE A | Positive A |
7 | COMMON A | Common A |
8 | GND | Ground Pin |
9 | AIN | Input Pin A |
10 | BOUT | Output Pin B |
11 | A'(OUT) | Invert Output A |
12 | B'(OUT) | Invert Output B |
13 | DISABLE’ | Invert Disable Pin |
14 | EXCLUSIVE OR | Exclusive OR Pin |
15 | BIN | Input Pin B |
16 | VDD | Drain Voltage |
CD4583 Circuit
- Open loop configurations for noise immunity
- Closed loop configurations to implement function generators
CD4583 Alternative Equivalent
CD40106, CD4584
Download CD4583-Dual adjustable Schmitt trigger inputs Datasheet from the link given below.