CD4750 belongs to the 4000 Series CMOS Logic Family of Integrated Circuits (IC’s) constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors. CD4750 has a Frequency synthesizer
CD4750 has a supply voltage range of 5V to 20V, which is much higher than any contemporary logic family. It has buffered output which improves transfer characteristics by providing very high gain. All inputs are protected against static discharge with diodes to VDD and VSS.
CD4750 Features
- Program range 6 1⁄ 2 decades, including up to 3 decades of Prescaler control.
- Division range extension by cascading.
- Built-in phase modulator.
- Fast lock feature.
- Out-of-lock indication.
- Low power dissipation and high noise immunity
CD4750 Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
- Supply Voltage Range, (VDD): -0.5V to +15V
- Operating Temperature Range: 9.5V to 10.5V
CD4750 Pinout Diagram
CD4750 Pin Description
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
1 | V | Phase comparator input |
2 | STB | Strobe input |
3 | TCB | Timing capacitor B |
4 | OL | Out-of-lock indication |
5 | TCA | Timing capacitor A |
6 | TRA | Timing Resistor A |
7 | TCC | Timing capacitor C |
8 | PC1 | The analog phase comparator output |
9 | PC2 | The digital phase comparator output |
10 | A0 | programming input 0 |
11 | A1 | programming input 1 |
12 | A2 | programming input 2 |
13 | A3 | programming input 3 |
14 | VSS | Supply Voltage |
15 | A4 | programming input 4 |
16 | A5 | programming input 5 |
17 | A6 | programming input 6 |
18 | A7 | programming input 7 |
19 | A8 | programming input 8 |
20 | A9 | programming input 9 |
21 | XTAL | Reference oscillator/buffer output |
22 | OSC | Reference oscillator/buffer input |
23 | NS0 | programming input 1 |
24 | NS1 | programming input 2 |
25 | R | Phase comparator input(Reference) |
26 | OUT | Reference divider output |
27 | MOD | Phase modulation input |
28 | VDD | Drain Voltage |
CD4750 Circuit
- VHF/UHF mobile radios.
- HF s.s.b. transceivers.
- Airborne and marine communications and navaids.
- Broadcast transmitters.
- High-quality radio and television receivers.
- High-performance citizens band equipment.
- Signal generators.
CD4750 Alternative Equivalent
Download CD4750-Frequency synthesizer Datasheet from the link given below.